Nuisance Ordinance
General Information
Maintaining your property
Greenfield Township has laws regarding conditions that may be determined to be nuisances and/or a violation of the Zoning Ordinance. In some instances, this happens without the owner recognizing how it looks or knowing that they are violating laws. Annually, during the spring road inspections, a list of property owners that need to be reminded of the conditions is made and letters are sent. Most often, these properties have junk vehicles and piles of scrap materials accumulating. If the owners respond and clean up the condition of the property, no further legal action is taken. If no action is taken, legal proceedings will be filed through the District Judge. At the discretion of the Judge, the property owner may have to pay fines up to $ 1000.00, plus costs and expenses, including court costs, attorneys’ fees and witness fees, which were incurred by the Township in enforcing these laws.
Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Map
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
Stormwater Management Ordinance
Joint Use Roads Ordinance
This Ordinance was adopted to regulate the joint use of roads by snowmobiles, ATV, Side by Sides, etc. It requires registration and insurance, provides regulations for operation, and lists possible violations along with penalties for noncompliance.